Odin Runes Asatru Blot Bowl

24 symbols of the runic system

Honoring the Asatru traditions and Heathanism.

Odin Runes Asatru Blot Bowl

24 symbols of the runic system

Oak Version special order only.

Looking for something custom designed? Feel free to email me and lets see what we can do for you! Looking for wholesale pricing, contact: GYPSY BETH
 Questions, Requests, or Comments.
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Please review our **Policy Statement** All products are handcrafted to order. Please allow sufficient time for your product(s) to be built and finished. If you have any further questions once you have reviewed our policy, feel free to email **Gypsy Beth**

Odin Runes Asatru Blot Bowl

Other Links of Interest

http://www.ravenkindred.com/blot.htm What Happens At A Blot (and why)

http://www.reeves-hall.org/rksrites.htm Analysis of Raven Kindred Ritual

http://www.normannii.org/beliefs/sumble.html The Sumbel Rite

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