Celtic Knotwork with Moon Phases that marks the Wheel of the Year Offering Plate.

Wheel of the Year Offering Plate

Full detail of the sabbats and corresponding dates.
This offering plate is 14 and 1/2 inches across. Celtic Knotwork is interlaced around the rim of the plate and off stained for an outstanding appearance. The inner sanctum of the plate offers the Wheel of the Year calender with the corresponding dates for the sabbets. These sabbets are commonly celebrated as holy days by Wiccan followers of Wicca, Witches followers of general Witch Craft, and eclectic pagans alike.
Plate is hand waxed for a fine finish that makes the plate beautiful and befitting for the deities. Choice of stain colors is also available in Golden Oak, Pecan, or natural linseed oil. Limited Supplies.
This celtic knotwork with wheel of the year offering plate also has a moon detail showing the various phases of moon cycles.
The following are listed as part of the wheel of the year and corresponding dates for celebration and ritual.
Samhain October 31
Yule December 20-23
Imbolc February 2
Ostara March 20-23
Beltane April 30
Litha June 20-23
Lughnassad August 1
Mabon September 20-23
This celtic knotwork with wheel of the year offering plate is hand crafted by DragonOak, "one who walks the pagan path". DragonOak has studied methods of divination for over 20 years and now brings forth handcrafted Pagan Supply items that are fitting for the field of divination and ritual.
Key tags for listing this offering plate include the celtic knotwork that surrounds the outer rim of the plate. It includes moon phase, the wheel of the year and makes a fine addition as an altar tile or altar panten. Halloween, Christmas, and Easter are corresponded to Samhain, Yule, and Ostera, the original pagan holidays before the church changes their worship days to correspond with the pagan sabbets.
Looking for something custom designed? Feel free to email me and lets see what we can do for you! Looking for wholesale pricing, contact: GYPSY BETH
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**Gypsy Beth**