Magically Infused Shaded Ouija Style Spirit Board Magical Infused with 9 Moon Elements Shaded Magic Spirit Board!
Basic Spirit Board
Magically Infused Traditional Board!
Symbols and lettering are wood burned by hand for lasting beauty!
Solid Wood!
Each board is numbered and signed by DragonOak.
No matter where you place the board inside, it makes an attractive addition to any table or counter. No metal is used in constructing this box, as some believe that metal can interfere with the flow of energies. Each Board comes with a planchette and instructions. Boards and planchettes have been infused with 9 different elements that are known to attract visitors from the other side. These elements include silver, crystal, and willow leafs.
This board is hand crafted by DragonOak, "one who walks the pagan path". Dragonoak has studied methods of divination for over 20 years and now brings forth handcrafted items that are fitting for the field of divination.
Natural stains and finishes are used to protect the wood and highlight the beauty of natural wood.
Looking for something custom designed? Feel free to email me and lets see what we can do for you! Looking for wholesale pricing, contact: GYPSY BETH
Types of Ghosts and Spirits
Orbs: The orb is the most common form a spirit takes, perhaps it is easier for them to appear as such, but no one knows this for certain. They can appear to have a solid mass or a swirling, geometric pattern in the center. They can be transparent or glowing balls of light floating in mid-air. Some have been photographed with 35mm cameras, but mostly their images are captured on digital photographs. It has been said that orbs are the spirit energy that remains of what used to be a human being, while others speculate orbs are the vehicle form for spirits to travel at a fast speed. They are intelligent and have interacted with the living on many occasions and are sometimes visible to the trained eye. Orbs are often picked up electronically by a camera or video recorder. It is an amazing sight to behold! Some believe the color of the orb reflects their mood and still others report that colored orbs indicate active surroundings.
Plasmoids: These are generally viewed as orbs with a tail, indicating they are moving at great speeds.
Streamers: These are fast moving orbs that look like streaming lines of light, or energy, that have been captured on film, but are not usually visible to the naked eye. They appear almost like a moving cigarette in the dark, but have a tread in the center. They are usually whitish but can come in many different colors.
Ghost Lights: Scientists have claimed this phenomenon is caused by swamp gas or some other type of phosphorescent material from the Earth's interior, but this has never been proven. Stories abound of men who have tried to follow these lights, only to be lured into the darkness, and sometimes death. Legend has it that this light is a soul of a person who has been refused by both heaven and hell (if one choses to believe in hell) and is doomed to wander through eternity here on earth.
Apparitions: Apparitions are the image of the spirit (in it's human form) that is creating the effect, which we call earth-bound spirits who, for whatever reason, have not passed on. Violent, unexpected deaths, guilt or simply fear of moving into the light may be key factors to why they choose to remain here. While not always complete, this is the way a ghost looked when they were alive. They are intelligent and can interact with us by speaking to appearing. They can create odors, make sounds and move things, but this is to gain your attention. As humans, we are famous for being afraid of new things. This entity is simply a human spirit who will retain the same personality they had in life. Some are nice, some are mean, but rarely are they evil, and certainly nothing like the evil entities that are born on the Hollywood screen. They can be anywhere, and most likely are. They can cause hot and cold spots, feelings of being watched, sounds and smells as well as disruptions with any electrical appliances; radios, TV's, computers, washers and dryers, etc. You may even feel them touch you lightly, or hear moving furniture from another room. They will try to get your attention, and in so doing, could frighten you, but we do not believe that is their intention. Maybe they are trying to pass on a message or warning, or simply want you to know they are there. In any case acknowledge them, talk to them as you would a friend and they will be satisfied. If they frighten you, in most cases if you simply tell them they are doing so, they will stop. Always remember, they are just like us and will usually respect you as long as you respect them. Photographing an apparition is extremely rare, the dream of all investigators, and we treasure this prize!
Spirits: These are reportedly souls that have died, passed over and come back to visit. They are almost impossible to differentiate from a ghost as they manifest themselves in the same way. The only way known to tell the difference is for them to tell you, according to psychics who have the ability to see and speak with them.
Residual: This phenomenon is thought to be like watching a movie about an historic event. This type of ghost cannot interact with you and is not aware of your presence. You could experience smells, sounds and possibly see the ghost as it replays a moment of his or her life. This event is imprinted on the area and is played back under the right conditions. While this can certainly be a frightening experience for the viewer, just remember you are not in danger.
Ectoplasm: This is a type of mist, or fog, that appears to have movement in its depths. It is usually a light shade of gray, like cigarette smoke or exhaled breath in the winter, but can come in several colors. It floats through the air and can stay stationary or move extremely fast. It has been said that a spirit will usually take this form before appearing as an apparition.
Vortex: These appear as a funnel shape with a skidding tread design in the center and have been mistaken for camera straps. They are usually white in color, but some have been photographed with a light blue center. Many believe it to be a former resident or the spirit of a deceased relative, yet others think it is a speeding orb that can turn corners or stop on a dime.
Shadow Ghosts: This is a sneaky type that appears as a long, thin shadow in the strangest places, although many claim to have seen them in the shape of a man. They are extremely evasive, making them hard to photograph. When noticed, they will blend into nearby shadows, or disappear through a wall. You may have seen them from the corner of your eye as they dart about, but dismissed it as imagination. Some people believe these spirits are actually demons (if you believe in the existence of such), but so far there is no evidence to prove this theory.
Poltergeist: Meaning Noisy Ghost, this entity lives up to it's name. Some claim this is not related to the paranormal but is caused by a living person, usually a teen-aged girl who is under a great deal of stress. We believe poltergeist are non-human entities that are vicious, malevolent and are indeed paranormal. They are capable of scratching, biting and slapping, as reported in the Bell Witch case. They are also capable of starting fires, throwing things, making items (usually coins or rocks), appear in thin air, just before hurling them across the room at their intended victim.
Incubus and Succubus: They are entities which are sexual predators. The Incubus is a male ghost that sexual attacks women, and the Succubus is a female ghost with attacks men. Usually the Succubus seduces before she attacks, but the Incubus usually just takes what he wants.
Demons: Demons are believed to be minions of hell and seem to feed off the fear they invoke in humans. They are dangerous and can be mistaken for poltergeist as they are mischievous and flashy, almost like a child screaming "look at me! I can scare you!" These are non-human spirits who will pose as a friendly spirit to gain your trust and sometimes appear to users of Ouija boards, black magic and satanic worship. We believe that this type of spirit form could also be a passed human that remains to be as mean and evil as they probably were in this life. Meaning that often people that pass take on the same characteristics in this life on to the other side. Evil and goodness are from sources within, we choose which becomes our character. So in essence a tormented and evil soul like Hitler would continue his attempt to create havoc against the things he hated.
Monks: No one knows for certain what role a monk could play, but perhaps they come back to help those in their time of need. Monks, priests, ministers, preachers, etc, regardless of their religion, spend most of their life helping those in need and watching over our souls. Perhaps some of them continue to do so after death. Perhaps they (the monks) are resentful for having to pay penance for past sins.
Signs of Haunting Activity
1. Unexplained noises - footsteps; knocks, banging, rapping; scratching sounds; sounds of something being dropped. Sometimes these noises can be subtle and other times they can be quite loud.
2. Doors, cabinets and cupboards opening and closing - most often, these phenomena are not seen directly. The resident either hears the distinct sounds of the doors opening and closing (homeowners get to know quite well the distinctive sounds their houses make) or the experiencer will return to a room to find a door open or closed when they are certain it was left in the opposite position. Sometimes furniture, like kitchen chairs, are perceived to have been moved. Very rarely will someone actually witness the phenomenon taking place.
3. Feelings of being touched - the feeling of being watched is one thing, and actually feeling like you are being touched is quite another. Some people feel something brush past them, something touching their hair or "a hand" on the shoulder. Some feel a gentle poke, push or nudge. Some have even experienced the sensation that an energy (not their own) has gone right through them.
4. Other physical evidence - unexplained writing on paper or walls; handprints and footprints.
5. Lights turning off and on - likewise, these events are seldom seen actually occurring, but the lights are switched on or off when the person knows they were not left that way. This can also happen with TVs, radios and other electrically powered items.
6. Items disappearing and reappearing - Others have called this "the borrowers" phenomenon. It is the familiar experience of not being able to find a regularly used item - say, a set of car keys - which one believes they placed in a spot they routinely place them. But they're gone and one looks high and low for them with no success. Some time later, the keys are found - in exactly the place you normally put them. It's as if the object was borrowed by someone or something for a short time, then returned. Sometimes they are not returned for days or even weeks, but when they are, it's in an obvious place that could not have been missed by even a casual search.
7. Strange animal behavior - a dog, cat or other pet behaves strangely. Dogs may bark at something unseen, cower without apparent reason or refuse to enter a room they normally do. Cats may seem to be "watching" something cross a room. Animals have sharper senses than humans, and many researchers think their psychic abilities might be more finely tuned also.
8. Mild psycho-kinetic phenomena - hearing a door open or close is one thing. Actually seeing it happen is quite another. Similarly, actually seeing a light go on or off by itself is greater proof that something unexplained is happening. This could be a radio or tv turning on and off. Or perhaps when a child's powered toy begins to operate on its own. Doors and windows are locked or unlocked. Some people report that when they are in bed they can feel and/or hear something sitting on the bed.
9. Cries and whispers - on occasion, muffled voices, whispering and crying can be heard. Sometimes it's music from some unknown source. People hear their names being said. This phenomenon gains more credibility if more than one person hears or sees the same thing at the same time.
10. Cold or hot spots - cold spots are classic haunting symptoms, but any instance of a noticeable variance in temperature without a discernable cause could be evidence.
11. Unexplained smells - the distinct fragrance of a perfume or cologne that you do not have in your house. This phenomenon comes and goes without any apparent cause and may accompany other phenomena, such as shadows, voices or psycho-kinetic phenomena. Unfortunately it is not always a pleasant scent, but a foul odor which is perceived.
12. Feelings of being watched - this is not an uncommon feeling and can be attributed to many things, but it could have a paranormal source if the feeling consistently occurs in a particular part of the house at a particular time.
13. Unexplained shadows - the sighting of fleeting shapes and shadows, usually seen out of the corner of the eye. Many times, the shadows have vaguely human forms, while other times they are less distinguishable or smaller.
14. Moving or levitating objects (severe psycho-kinetic phenomena) - dinner plates sliding across the table; pictures flying off walls; doors slamming shut with great force; furniture sliding across the floor.
15. Physical assault - scratches, slaps and hard shoves. This kind of personal assault is extremely rare, but obviously highly disturbing.
16. Apparitions - physical manifestation of a spirit or entity. These phenomena are also very rare and can take many forms: human-shaped mists, orbs or forming mists of some indistinguishable shape, transparent human forms that disappear quickly, and most rarely, human forms that look as real and solid as any living person, but that disappear into a room or evaporate into thin air while being viewed.