Dolphin in the Sea Fantasy Box
 Dolphin in the Sea Fantasy Box!
Dolphin and sea scene on box top is wood burned by hand for everlasting beauty. Scene is centered near a ship wreck for aesthetic qualities.
Measures 13" X 13" X 6" tall and is made from solid wood. This is a handcrafted fantasy box that will last for generations, similar to items we found in grandma's attic.
This fantasy box has plenty of storage space for collectibles, magical items, personal items, etc. .
No metal is used in constructing this fantasy box, as some believe that metal can interfere with the flow of energies.
This dolphins in the sea fantasy box is completely hand crafted by DragonOak.
Natural stains and finishes are used to protect the wood and highlight the beauty of maple.
Dolphin Information
Dolphins were well known by the Sumerians and said they were connected to Astarte and Ishtar. Ancient Egyptians thought highly of the creatures as they had legends and gods associated with the dolphin . Some classical literature portrays dolphins harnessed to sea chariots, as carriers to sea deities. They were called the King of Fishes and Arrow of the Sea, and were considered guides to the Underworld. Sculpted on the walls of Apollo's temple at were dolphins. The Greek word delphinos means both dolphin and womb, and is seen as the Painted on funeral urns, the dolphin represented the passing of the soul from one world to another. These sea creatures appear on Celtic coins and art, usually ridden by a human figure. Dolphins have been known to rescue drowning humans, this is not just a superstition.
These creatures are not fish, but mammals like ourselves. They are the most highly ‘evolved’ dwellers in the water and exhibit qualities so akin to humans that they have been the topic of much speculation regarding their origins. It is to say that there are some schools of thought that believe the dolphins to be the survivors of the lost continent of Atlantis.
Dolphins are friendly, playful, and most of all, very smart. Their willingness to interact with humans have prompted scientists to try and understand their language.
Habitat: Warm, tropical waters of the world.
Diet: Fish, squid, shrimp, and mollusks.
Range: Found in coastal waters of all tropical and temperate seas.
Lifespan: Average is 25 years in the wild. In captivity, average lifespan is 35 years or more.
Use echolocation to find food. The dolphin makes sounds that bounce off of the fish and back to the dolphin.