Cabinet Wiccan Witches Altar with pentacle candleholders
The Witches Cabinet Wiccan Altar is made to last generations
 Cabinet Wiccan Altar Hand Crafted $99.99!
Beautiful handmade wooden altar that embraces the symbolism of Wicca and Wiccans everywhere.

Portable wiccan altar that measure 18" by 9 1/2" by 13" tall (to altar surface).

Full size space to store your herbs, incense, candles, book of shadows, crystal ball, tarot cards, futhark runes, and other ritual tools, hidden behind a cabinet door. Your own sacred space protected by 2 pentacles and the celtic tiquetra, commonly known as protection symbols of the craft.

Symbol for the god and goddess are wood burned into the legs in their perspective positions. God Symbol is on the left leg, and Goddess on the right, we can switch the symbols if it is requested.

Two brass candle holders that hold standard 6" household candles. Pentacles (Pentagram in a Circle) on this Wiccan Altar are wood burned around the candle holders for long lasting beauty. On back board is wood burnt "And it harm none, do as ye will", from the Rede, in Theban the Witches alphabet. Beautifully stained in a oak and varnished with a danish oil low gloss finish for durability and a natural finish.
This Wiccan altar is completely hand crafted by DragonOak, "one who walks the pagan path". DragonOak has studied methods of divination for over 20 years and now brings forward hand crafted items in the old traditions fit for divination and ritual. Hand crafted wood products made with love and you in mind. Working with our customers one by one to provide truly magickal items designed to open awareness and provide you direction and balance.
Pentagrams around candle holders are wood burned by hand for everlasting beauty.
Portable Wiccan altar table that measures 18" by 10 1/2" by 13" tall (to altar surface) and is made from solid wood. This is a wood crafted Wiccan Altar that will last for generations, similar to items we found in grandma's attic. This altar can be used on the floor or on a counter or table top or taken with you for any ritual outing. You will be proud to use this altar at your next ritual ceremony, or spell casting.
Beautiful handmade Wiccan altar that embraces the symbolism of Wicca, Witchcraft, and Paganism.
No metal is used in final assembly this wooden altar, (except for the brass candle holders) as some believe that metal can interfere with the flow of energies.
Natural Danish finish.
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