Signs of
I. Why Learn
A. We will gain a better
understanding of ourselves.
B. We can better understand
our relationships
C. We will have a better
understanding of people in general
D. We can use astrology to
benefit our life goals.
II. Types of
A. Sidereal or
1. Sidereal is
by constellation. Based on the
vernal equinoxes four thousand years ago.
2. Tropical is
by the sign. Most astrologers today
follow this school.
B. Natural = Influence of
the planets on weather, tides, etc.
C. Mundane = Astrology of
nations, cities, etc.
D. Natal = The study of
individual and their birth charts
E. Horary =
The study of a particular question that occurs at some moment and
III. Wheel
Systems and their use in Astrology
(Blank Chart included)
A. Based on the path of the
stars through the sky that we observe above.
B. Ascendant =
The degree of the ecliptic rising over the horizon at the time of our birth.
This often represent the mask that we present to the
C. Midheavan =
The placement of this position are the elements that we look up too and strive
to complete as goals in our lives.
D. Descendant
= This house deals with are attitude towards partnerships in our
E. IC (Imum
Coeli) = The placement of this position will symbolize our roots and matters of
the fourth house.
IV. The
Elements of Astrology
A. Fire = Action = Aries,
Leo, and Sagittarius
1. Positive
Attributes: Fiery, ardent,
enthusiastic, spontaneous, self-sufficient, and romantic.
2. Negative Attributes: Bossy and
B. Earth = Material =Taurus,
Virgo, and Capricorn
1. Positive
Attributes: Practical, earthy,
dependable, conservative, and sensual.
They love material comfort and have good recuperative
2. Negative Attributes: Dull and
C. Air = Intellect = Gemini,
Libra, and Aquarius
1. Positive
Attributes: Intellectual, abstract,
logical, broadminded, objective, idealistic, and
2. Negative Attributes: Cold and
D. Water = Emotion = Cancer
(Liquid), Scorpio (Frozen), and Pisces (Gaseous).
1. Positive
Attributes: Feeling, sustaining,
receptive, emotional, intuitive, responsive, sensitive and
2. Negative Attributes: Moody and easily influenced by the
V. The
Qualities of Astrology
A. Cardinal (Mark the beginning of the
1. Signs = Aries, Cancer,
Libra, and Capricorn
2. Positive
Attributes: Active, ardent,
ambitious, enthusiastic, and quick witted.
3. Negative Attributes: Hasty, inconsiderate, and
B. Fixed (Mark the midpoint of a
1. Signs = Taurus, Leo,
Scorpio, and Aquarius
2. Positive Attributes: Good memory, determined, and
3. Negative Attributes: Stubborn and
C. Mutable (Mark the end of a
1. Signs = Gemini, Virgo,
Sagittarius, and Pisces
2. Positive
Attributes: Versatile, adaptable,
changeable, sympathetic, and intuitive.
3. Negative
Attributes: Deceptive, crafty,
inconsistent, and undependable.
Signs of
A. Quick Word on Ruler
1. Each sign
has a particular planet that rules in that position, the planets qualities will
be strong and should be noticed during interpretation.
2. Each sign
has a particular planet that is considered in “fall†when in that sign, the
planet is weak and does not work well in these positions.
B. Quick Word on
1. Each sign, planet, and
aspect has its own symbol.
2. Symbols will be discussed
in each section as the course proceeds.
C. Aries
1. Planetary ruler = Mars
2. Anatomy = The head
3. Key Phrase = I am
4. Key Word = Activity
5. Principle =
6. Positive
Characteristics = Positive,
executive, competitive, impulsive, eager, courageous, independent, dynamic,
lives in present, and quick.
7. Negative
Characteristics = Domineering,
quick-tempered, violent, intolerant, hasty, arrogant, “me firstâ€, lacks follow
8. Foods
= Onions, leeks,
9. Countries =
England, France, Germany, Denmark.
D. Taurus
1. Planetary ruler = Venus
2. Anatomy = Throat, neck, ears, and
3. Key Phrase = I possess
4. Key Word = Stability
5. Principle =
6. Positive
Characteristics = Patient,
conservative, domestic, sensual, thorough, stable, dependable, practical,
artistic, loyal.
7. Negative
Characteristics = Self-indulgent,
stubborn, slow-moving, argumentative, short-tempered, possessive, greedy,
8. Foods
= Cereals, berry, fruits, apple,
pear, artichoke, bean, asparagus.
9. Countries
= Ireland, Switzerland, Iran,
Cyprus, Greek Islands.
E. Gemini
1. Planetary ruler = Mercury
2. Anatomy = Lungs, collar bone, hands, arms, shoulders, nervous
3. Key Phrase = I think
4. Key Word = Versatility
5. Principle =
6. Positive
Characteristics = Dual, congenial,
curious, adaptable, expressive, quick-witted, literary, inventive,
7. Negative
Characteristics = Changeable,
ungrateful, scatterbrained, restless, scheming, lacking concentration, lacking
follow through.
8. Foods
= Nuts, vegetables grown above
ground except cabbage, carrots.
9. Countries
= Wales, Belgium, USA, Lower Egypt,
F. Cancer
1. Planetary ruler = Moon
2. Anatomy = Breast, stomach, upper lobes of the
3. Key Phrase = I feel
4. Key Word = Devotion
5. Principle =
6. Positive
Characteristics = Tenacious,
intuitive, maternal, domestic, sensitive, retentive, helpful, sympathetic,
emotional, patriotic, good memory, traditional.
7. Negative
Characteristics = Brooding, touchy,
too easily hurt, manipulative, too cautious, lazy, selfish, sorry for
8. Foods
= Milk, fish, fruits and vegetables
with high water content, cabbage, turnip.
9. Countries
= Scotland, Holland, North and West
Africa, New Zealand, Paraguay.
G. Leo
1. Planetary ruler = Sun
2. Anatomy = Heart, sides, and upper
3. Key Phrase = I will
4. Key Word = Magnetism
5. Principle =
6. Positive
Characteristics = Dramatic,
idealistic, proud, ambitious, creative, dignified, romantic, generous,
self-assured, optimistic.
7. Negative
Characteristics = Vain, status
conscious, childish, overbearing, fears ridicule, cruel, boastful,
8. Foods
= Meat, rice, honey, crops and
vines, vegetables with high iron content.
9. Countries
= Italy, Romania, Sicily, Lebanon,
South of France.
H. Virgo
1. Planetary ruler = Mercury
2. Anatomy
= Intestines, liver, pancreas, gall
bladder, lower plexus, upper bowel.
3. Key Phrase = I analyze.
4. Key Word = Practicality
5. Principle =
6. Positive
Characteristics = Industrious,
studious, scientific, methodical, discriminating, fact finding, exacting, clean
humane, seeks perfection.
7. Negative
Characteristics = Critical, petty,
melancholy, fears disease and poverty, picky, skeptical,
8. Foods
= Vegetables grown under the earth,
nuts, vegetables grown above ground except cabbage,
9. Countries
= Greece, West Indies, Turkey,
Brazil, Crete, Mesopotamia.
I. Libra
1. Planetary ruler = Venus
2. Anatomy = Kidneys, lower back, adrenal glands,
3. Key Phrase = I balance
4. Key Word = Harmony
Principle =
6. Positive
Characteristics = Cooperative, persuasive, companionable, peace-loving, refined,
judicial, artistic, diplomatic, sociable, suave.
7. Negative
Characteristics = Fickle,
apathetic, loves intrigue, peace at any price, pouting, indecisive, easily
8. Foods
= Cereals, berry, fruits, apple,
pear, artichoke, bean, asparagus.
9. Countries
= Austria, Burma, Japan, Argentina,
Canada, Upper Egypt, Tibet, Indochina.
J. Scorpio
1. Planetary ruler = Pluto
2. Anatomy = The genitals, bladder, rectum,
reproductive organs.
3. Key Phrase = I desire
4. Key Word = Intensity
5. Principle =
6. Positive
Characteristics = Motivated,
penetrating, executive, resourceful, determined, scientific, investigative,
probing, passionate, aware.
7. Negative
Characteristics = Vengeful,
temperamental, secretive, overbearing, violent, sarcastic, suspicious, jealous,
8. Foods
= Onions, leeks, hops and strong
tasting foods.
9. Countries
= Morocco, Norway, Algeria, Syria,
Korea, Uruguay.
K. Sagittarius
1. Planetary ruler = Jupiter
2. Anatomy = Hips, thighs, and upper
3. Key Phrase = I understand
4. Key Word = Visualization
5. Principle =
6. Positive
Characteristics = Straightforward,
philosophical, freedom loving, broadminded, athletic, generous, optimistic,
just, religious, scholarly, enthusiastic.
7. Negative
Characteristics = Argumentative,
exaggerative, talkative, procrastination, self-indulgent, blunt, impatient,
gambler, pushy, hot-headed.
8. Foods =
Bulb vegetables, grapefruit, celery, onions, leeks.
9. Countries
= Spain, Australia, Hungary, South
Africa, Arabia
L. Capricorn
1. Planetary ruler = Saturn
2. Anatomy = Knees and lower
3. Key Phrase = I use
4. Key Word = Ambition
5. Principle =
6. Positive
Characteristics = Cautious,
responsible, scrupulous, conventional, businesslike, perfectionist, traditional,
practical, hardworking, economical, serious.
7. Negative
Characteristics = Egotistic,
domineering, unforgiving, fatalistic, the mind rules over the heart, stubborn,
brooding, inhibited, status seeking.
8. Foods
= Meats, potato, barley, beet,
spinach, malt, onion, starchy foods.
9. Countries
= India, Mexico, Afghanistan,
Macedonia, Thrace, Albania, Bulgaria
M. Aquarius
1. Planetary ruler = Uranus
2. Anatomy = The Ankles
3. Key Phrase = I know
4. Key Word = Imagination
5. Principle =
6. Positive
Characteristics = Independent,
inventive, tolerant, individualistic, progressive, artistic, scientific,
logical, humane, intellectual.
7. Negative
Characteristics = Unpredictable,
temperamental, bored by detail, cold, too fixed opinions, shy, eccentric,
radical, impersonal, rebellious.
8. Foods
= Foods that preserve well, frozen
food, apples, citrus, dried fruits.
9. Countries
= Sweden, Poland, Israel,
N. Pisces
1. Planetary ruler = Neptune
2. Anatomy = The feet
3. Key Phrase = I believe
4. Key Word = Understanding
5. Principle =
6. Positive
Characteristics = Compassionate,
charitable, sympathetic, emotional, sacrificing, intuitive, introspective,
musical, artistic.
7. Negative
Characteristics = Procrastinating,
over-talking, melancholy, pessimistic, emotionally inhibited, timid,
impractical, indolent, often feels misunderstood.
8. Foods
= Cucumber, pumpkin, lettuce,
9. Countries = Portugal, Scandinavia, Gobi and Sahara desert.
Planets of
I. Review of
the last class
A. Signs = attributes of
those signs were given in the context of the Sun sign
B. Now keep the attributes
but move away delineating the sun only
II. Wheel
Systems and their use in Astrology
A. Refer to
the charts that have been given and notice the wheel formation of the
B. Inside the
wheel notice the glyphs that represent the planets, which shows placement of the
planets in a given sign.
III. Planet
A. Moon = 28 days to
complete on cycle.
B. Mercury = 88 days to
orbit the Sun.
C. Venus = 224 ½ days to
orbit the Sun.
D. Sun = 1 year to cycle the
E. Mars = 22 months to
complete one cycle of the zodiac
F. Jupiter = 12 years to
cycle the zodiac.
G. Saturn = 28-30 years for
one cycle.
H. Uranus = 84 years for one
I. Neptune = 165 years for
one cycle.
J. Pluto = 248 years for one
IV. Planet
A. Mars,
Mercury, Venus, Moon, and Sun are personal, meaning that they affect us on a
more personal level.
B. Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto are more generational and affect whole groups of
V. Planets of
A. Quick Word on Ruler
1. Each sign
has a particular planet that rules in that position, the planets qualities will
be strong and should be noticed during interpretation.
2. Each sign
has a particular planet that is exalted in that position, the planets qualities
work harmoniously in these positions.
3. Each sign
has a particular planet that is considered in “fall†when in that sign, the
planet is weak and does not work well in these positions.
4. Each sign
has a particular planet that is considered in detriment when in that sign, that
planets qualities need effort to work in these positions.
B. Quick Word on
1. Each sign, planet, and
aspect has its own symbol.
2. Symbols will be discussed
in each section as the course proceeds.
C. Sun
1. Rules = Leo, Exalted =
2. Falls = Libra, Detriment
= Aquarius
3. Anatomy =
The heart, upper back, spleen, circulatory system, the sperm, right eye of male
and left eye of female.
4. Keywords =
Self-expression, vitality, inner self.
5. Represents = Power urge,
personality, ego.
6. Examples =
Where we find the sun in our charts is where we want to
D. Moon
1. Rules = Cancer, Exalted =
2. Falls = Scorpio,
Detriment = Capricorn
3. Anatomy =
Breasts, stomach, fluid balance of the body, digestion, glandular secretions,
left eye of the male, right eye of the female.
4. Keywords =
Response, instinct, intuition, fluctuation, and emotion. Habit patterns, personal interests,
rules liquids and trades.
5. Represents = Domestic,
nurturing urge.
6. Examples =
Where you find the Moon in the chart is where you find the emotional ups and
E. Mercury
1. Rules = Gemini, Virgo
Exalted = Aquarius
2. Falls = Leo, Detriment =
Sagittarius, Pisces
3. Anatomy =
Nervous System, brain, sight, mouth, tongue, respiratory system, hands and arms,
4. Keywords =
Mind, communication, reasoning ability.
Watch for traveling.
Dexterity, opinion, rules equipment of transportation and
5. Represents = Intellectual
urge, the avenue of expression.
6. Examples =
Where Mercury is placed in our charts is where and how we communicate the
F. Venus
1. Rules = Taurus and Libra,
Exalted = Pisces
2. Falls = Virgo, Detriment
= Scorpio and Aries
3. Anatomy =
Throat, chin, cheeks, sense of taste, kidneys, ovaries, internal reproductive
organs, venous blood circulation, sensory organs of skin.
4. Keywords =
Harmony, unison, love, affection.
Culture, tastes, art, poetry, music. Marriage governed, love and sensuality
but not sex.
5. Represents = Social urge
and sense of value. Feminine side of nature.
6. Examples =
Where you find Venus in your chart is what you really
G. Mars
1. Rules = Aries, Co-Rules
Scorpio, Exalted = Capricorn
2. Falls = Cancer, Detriment
= Libra, Taurus
3. Anatomy =
The muscular system, external reproductive organs, head and face, red blood
corpuscles, motor nerves, bladder, adrenal glands.
4. Keywords =
Physical energy, initiative, ambition, animal nature, sexual energies, governs
surgery, injury. Sudden
action. Courage and strength. Male side of our
5. Represents = Action,
aggressive urge, initiative
6. Examples =
Where we find Mars is where we expend our greatest energy.
H. Jupiter
1. Rules = Sagittarius,
sub-rules Pisces, Exalted = Cancer
2. Falls = Capricorn,
Detriment = Gemini
3. Anatomy =
Arterial blood, circulation, the liver, thighs, hips, feet, right ear, upper
forehead, glycogen and fatty tissues, pancreas.
4. Keywords =
Expansion, luck, higher education, hunting, promotes health and
5. Represents = Benevolent,
and protective urge, fatherly instinct.
6. Examples =
Where you find Jupiter in your chart is where you are likely to find good
fortune and spend your leisure time.
I. Saturn
1. Rules = Capricorn,
sub-rules Aquarius, Exalted =
2. Falls = Aries, Detriment
= Cancer
3. Anatomy =
Skin, skeletal system, teeth, ligaments, knees left ear, auditory organs, gall
bladder, parathyroid glands, body protein.
4. Keywords =
Stability, limitation, restriction, control, teacher. Rules organization, capacity for career,
patience, tradition, action is slow and lasting.
5. Represents = Urge for
security and safety.
6. Examples =
Where Saturn is placed in the chart is where you feel least secure and tend to
over compensate.
J. Uranus
1. Rules = Aquarius, Exalted
= Scorpio
2. Falls = Taurus, Detriment
= Leo
3. Anatomy = Higher nervous
system, body electricity, ankles.
4. Keywords =
Change, disruptions, shock, the awakener.
Inventions, magic, the occult, astrology, ingenuity, rebellion. Breaker of traditions. Natural disasters.
5. Represents = Freedom
urge, divine discontent.
6. Examples =
Where you find Uranus in the chart is where you tend to do the
K. Neptune
1. Rules = Pisces, Exalted =
2. Falls = Aquarius,
Detriment = Virgo
3. Anatomy =
Spinal column, nerve fibers, feet, pineal gland, telepathic function, white
4. Keywords =
Cloudiness, unreality, intuition.
Maritime matters, music, movies, illusion, spirituality, things we take
for granted, fog, petroleum, second sight, drugs and drug addiction,
5. Represents = Spiritual or
escapist urge.
6. Examples =
Where you find Neptune in your chart is where you tend to deceive yourself or
others and where you tend to seek the ideal.
L. Pluto
1. Rules = Scorpio, Exalted
= Virgo
2. Falls = Pisces, Detriment
= Taurus
3. Anatomy =
The eliminative and reproductive systems, pituitary gland, abnormal
4. Keywords =
Transformation. Rules underworld,
submerged self, printing, masses, waste, phobias, atomic power, kidnapping,
disappearance, viruses, regeneration, exposes secrets.
5. Represents = Destroying
or reforming urge, infusion.
6. Examples =
Where you find Pluto in the chart is where you find complexity and where you
will have to solve your problems alone and unaided.
Houses of
I. Three more
planetary influences left out from previous class.
1. The
Ascendant can be summed up by defining it as this is the mask that a person
2. This point
will reveal how a person presents themselves to others.
B. Midheavan
1. This is the
point that people identify with as to goals and mission. This
point will identify issue that are important to the
2. Often this
is where goals and ideals of the
subject are strong.
1. (Dragon’s
head) This is a point of gain,
increase in confidence.
2. Where it
occurs in your chart is where you should strive for
II. How the
signs, planets, and houses work together.
A. Envision our
personalities as a Broadway play.
B. The Planets are the
C. The signs are how they
play their roles.
D. The houses are the sets
that they act out those scenes.
III. Houses of
A. House
1. Most people
use the equal house system. This is
based on the ascendant and each house composed of 30
2. I prefer
the Placidius house system because I have found it to be more effective.
3. The degree
of house placement is based on mathematical computations of varying
degrees. Other house systems
include Vedic, Porphyry, Koch, etc.
B. House
1. Keywords: Identity
2. Natural Sign: Aries
3. Natural Ruler: Mars
4. Type: Angular
5. A house of: Life
Description: This shows your
natural disposition and tendencies.
This is the way you express yourself. This is how others see you and how you
want others to see you. Represents
physical body, health, early childhood years, shows approach to life, worldly outlook,
appearance and bearing, and the beginnings of all
C. House
1. Keywords: Possessions,
2. Natural Sign: Taurus
3. Natural Ruler: Venus
4. Type: Succedent
5. A house of: Substance
Description: This house
shows possessions (except real estate), financial affairs, and investments,
earning power, gain or loss through your own effort. Indicates inner talents, need for
fulfillment, sense of self-worth and sense of values. House of personal liberty and material
D. House
1. Keywords: Communication,
2. Natural Sign: Gemini
3. Natural Ruler: Mercury
4. Type: Cadent
5. A house of: side by side
Description: Shows the local
environment you live in, brothers, sisters, all forms of communication. It indicates the means of
transportation, short trips, adaptability of your mind to learning and new
ideas, ability to relate to your environment and your taken for granted
skills. Conscious and objective
mind. Primary
E. House
1. Keywords: Home, domestic life,
2. Natural Sign: Cancer
3. Natural Ruler: Moon
4. Type: Angular
5. A house of: Endings.
Description: Shows home that you will or have established, your parents,
roots. This includes heritage,
heredity, private life, property this is where real estate falls, and all that
is secluded. This is the house of
endings, closing years of life, ending of all matters, fame after death. This can also indicate the place of
burial. Also show the parent that
had the greatest influence on you as a child, show your subjective self, and the
foundation of character.
F. House
1. Keywords: Creativity, pleasure, risk
2. Natural Sign: Leo
3. Natural Ruler: Sun
4. Type: Succedent
5. A house of: Life
Description: Children, love
affairs, romance, pleasures, amusements, holidays, vacations, games,
speculations, hobbies, and avocations.
This can include your emotional attitude and the love that you give. Shows your enterprise, sports,
originality, and creative outlets.
Dramatic, literary, or artistic ability. Can indicate publication, politics, fine
arts, social affairs, pregnancy, education of children, groups that you belong
G. House
1. Keywords: Routine work, hygiene, and
2. Natural Sign: Virgo
3. Natural Ruler: Mercury
4. Type: Cadent
5. A house of: substance.
Description: Shows your
work, health and habits. Indicates
employment, employees, tenants, servants, pets, and dependents. This shows service given to others,
clothes and how you wear them.
Interest in food and diet, sickness and all conditions affecting
health. Indicates aunts and uncles,
self-adjustment, and unconscious mind.
Here work and health are linked together.
H. House
1. Keywords: Relationships,
2. Natural Sign: Libra
3. Natural Ruler: Venus
4. Type: Angular
5. A house of: face to face
Description: Shows both
business and marital partnerships, divorce, contracts, lawsuits, arguments and
agreements, any dealings with the public and the public response. It shows open enemies, style of
cooperation or lack of cooperation.
It shows your weakest personality traits, attitudes towards marriage,
mate, quality of your marriage, and how many you have. Indicates your grandparents, and people
that act as your agent or on your behalf.
I. House
1. Keywords: Sex, death, inheritance, investment, and
2. Natural Sign: Scorpio
3. Natural Ruler: Pluto
4. Type: Succedent.
5. A house of:
Description: This house
shows the support you receive from other people including; financial, moral,
spiritual and physical. It
indicates legacies, wills, taxes, and insurance matters. It indicates secrets, sex, and spiritual
and physical regeneration. Also
psychological rebirth, degeneration, and death. This is the house of occult matters,
sleep, deep research, investigations, and hidden assets, assets of partners and
alimony. House of surgery and along
with the sixth house shows type of illnesses.
J. House
1. Keywords: Higher education,
2. Natural Sign: Sagittarius
3. Natural Ruler: Jupiter
4. Type: Cadent
5. A house of: Life
Description: This house
shows the higher mind, the super conscious. It indicates religion, law, science,
ideals, higher learning, philosophy, psychology, mental study, dreams and
visions. This is the house that
shows distant travel, foreigners, commerce, big business, imports and
exports. This is the house of the
church, clergy, in-laws, grandchildren, intuition, ethics and public
opinion. It indicates the lessons
we learn through living.
K. House
1. Keywords: Aspirations and
2. Natural Sign: Capricorn
3. Natural Ruler: Saturn
4. Type: Angular
5. A house of: Substance
Description: This is the
house of profession, reputation and standing in the community. It indicates your ego, status, fame,
promotion, ambition, business and social activities, employer, government and
authority over you, achievements, how the world evaluates you, and the influence
you exert. Here we find the
opposite parent that we found in the fourth house.
L. House
1. Keywords: Social conscience.
2. Natural Sign: Aquarius
3. Natural Ruler: Uranus
4. Type: Succedent
5. A house of: group
6: Description: This house shows our capacity for
friendships, attitudes towards acquaintances and all non-emotional
relationships, our desires in live, our goals, love that we receive
and money that we obtain from a profession. This is the house of step-children,
foster and adopted children, as well as circumstances that we have little
control. Humanitarian interests,
the way you see others, large and small organizations, the clubs that we belong
to that relate to career.
M. House
1. Keywords: Seclusion, institutions, self-undoing,
2. Natural Sign: Pisces
3. Natural Ruler: Neptune
4. Type: Cadent
5. A house of: Endings
Description: This
house shows your unknown and hidden strengths and weaknesses. This house shows sorrow, suffering,
limitations, handicaps, secrets, seclusion, frustrations, and behind the scenes
action. This house indicates places
of confinement and restraint, jails, hospitals, mental institutions. This is the house of inhibitions, exile,
secret enemies, hidden dangers, self-undoing. These are the things we hide from
others. Subconscious mind,
spiritual debts to be paid (karma), research, background, charity, sympathy, and
public welfare. This is the closet
of our horoscope, we sweep away or hide problems which are too painful to face
or difficulties that we refuse to acknowledge.
N: House within a
1. This occurs when one
house is completely within another house.
2. The effects
of this occurrence are that the qualities within that sign takes on both the
aspect of the sign that is on the cusp of the house and the sign that is within
this house.
O: Types of
Angular: Related to Cardinal
signs. 1st,
4th, 7th, 10th houses. Planets in angular houses have great
potential for dynamic action and their influences are
Succedent: Related to Fixed
signs. 2nd,
5th, 8th, 11th houses. These houses are not as powerful, but
they give us stability and purpose.
They are also referred to as the financial houses.
Cadent: Related to Mutable
signs. 3rd,
6th, 9th, 12th houses. These house are adaptable and often
refereed to as mental houses.
Aspects of
I. What are
A. When
planets are placed within a specific number of degrees away from one another,
they are said to be in aspect to each other.
B. In the
acting analogy as given in the last class, the planets are the actors, the signs
are the roles they play, the houses are the settings where the roles are played,
and the aspects will show us how the actors play theirs roles in relation to one
C. In the
charts that were drawn up for the class the aspects are the lines as drawn in
the center of the charts.
II. Types of
1. Angle = 0°
2. Indicates
emphasis, inauguration, intensification, concentration, and new
3. A
conjunction is two or three planets located within an orb of 7°. Usually the
planets are all within the same sign, but occasionally they can be found in
adjacent signs.
4. The
principle characteristic of a conjunction is that it gives more emphasis to a
sign. It is direct and it affects
you on an outer and obvious level.
It can be favorable or unfavorable.
A group of three or more planets in conjunction and is called a
1. Angle is 90°.
2. A square
indicates challenge, action, often dynamic, tension, accomplishment, and turning
3. The square
involves two planets that are 90° or three signs apart.
4. The
personal characteristic of a square is that action and decision are the essence
of any square. Squares if handles
wisely can be stepping stones or building blocks. Cardinal squares are quick, fixed
squares are slow and deliberate, and mutable that action is variable and depends
on the influence of others.
1. Angle is 180°
2. An
opposition indicates awareness, outreach, balance, cooperation,
3. The
opposition involves two planets that are 180° or six signs apart.
4. Its
potential value is to develop perspective and awareness. It show opposing factors at work which
compliment one another when reconciled.
An opposition involves recognizing a lack within yourself and using the
polarity of two signs to meet that lack.
1. Angle 120°
2. The trine
indicates flow and ease, idealism, inspiration, harmony,
3. This
involves two planets that are four signs apart.
4. The trine
is generally favorable, and permits easy interaction between two planets, but
there is no compulsion to use the planets advantageously because there is no
stress or tension. A trine can also
indicate a tendency to choose a line of least resistance. The trine indicates natural creativity,
talent, the ability to express things easily, and
1. Angle is 150°
2. The
inconjunct indicates adjustment, reorganization, lack of perspective,
3. The
inconjunct involves two planets five signs apart.
4. In this
aspect the signs are totally unrelated to one another. The planets share neither the same
quality nor the same element, nor or the both active or passive, it is much
harder to integrate these forces and calls for many adjustments. The inconjunct demands a change of
attitude, a change of habit pattern, and a need to adjust to conditions
indicates by the planets and houses in question. Often health and or finances are
involved in some way.
1. Angle is 60°
2. The sextile indicates
opportunity, attraction, self expression, affability.
3. The sextile involves two
planets that are two signs apart.
4. Sextiles
create an ease and understanding in the gathering of information and
expression. The planets cooperate
with one another.
III. Some
Uncommon Aspect Configurations
A. The
1. This
consists of two planets in opposition aspect, joined by a third making a square
aspect to both of them.
2. This aspect
is a tense and dynamic pattern.
This can be enormously energizing, and it usually gives strength to the
individual, in spite of all the aspects formed being negative
B. The Grand
1. This is
when three planets are in trine to one another forming a triangle on the
2. While this
is a positive looking aspect, beware; there is a tendency towards lackadaisical,
laid back attitude that must be countered.
This aspect needs to the individual to work with the talent and not take
for granted that it is there.
C. The Grand
1. This
consist of four planets spaced 90° apart, forming two opposition aspects and making a cross
on the chart. At the same time all
four make square aspects to one another.
2. This is
known as the make or break pattern.
People having this aspect are either extremely brave, energetic, powerful
and successful often overcoming great obstacles to win or they cannot cope with
the powerful effect and crumble.
D. The
1. This can form in one of
two ways
a. A planet in
opposition is contacted by inconjuncts of two other planets, forming an
arrowhead shape.
b. A planet
will inconjunct two other planets, while the two other planets sextile one
another, forming a similar arrowhead shape.
2. This is a
stressful configuration. It is said
that the planet at the apex will “show the wayâ€, as this is the directions that
the individual should take to center the affairs of the house in which the point
falls.. Take time and effort to
overcome the stressful aspect and new awareness and completions will be
E. Unaspected
1. This is when a planet
forms no aspects to the other planets.
2. This is a
very powerful focal point, and usually means that the individual is very aware
of the planet’s influence, but may not be able to integrate its qualities
psychologically into the personality.
F. The
1. This is when three or
more planets form a conjunction to one another.
2. This will
strengthen the effects of the sign and house it is found in. Often this is why a Capricorn may not
appear to be Capricorn, etc.
Aspects of
I. Additional
interpretations of Astrology?
A. Chart
1. Splash
Pattern – Planets are spread throughout the chart. These people are varied in interest but
may be superficial and inconsistent.
2. The Bundle
– Here the planets are very close together. These people do well as specialist and
find variety within the confines of that subject.
3. The
Locomotive - Planets are lined on 2/3rds of the chart with a clear planet as
leader. These people have a fund of
energy at their disposal, as it is required.
4. The Bowl –
Planets occupy one half of the chart.
Subjects are self-contained and scoop up experience; the houses in which
the planets are located are especially relevant.
5. The Bucket
- 9 planets are in one half of the chart, the 10th is in the other
half, making an anchorage. Usually
achievement is more important than the end product.
6. The See-Saw
– The planets are in two groups on opposite sides of the chart. Subjects will weigh every possibility
before coming to decision.
7. Splay –
Planets are spread all over the chart but in very uneven groups. These people are individualist,
disliking routine or discipline.
B. Oriental
Appearance – This is the planet that rises before the sun in the chart. This gives us insight into additional
psychological or motivational needs of an individual.
C. Part of
Fortune – Is a point in the chart where we find enjoyment and
D. House
Rulers – Each house has a sign with a ruling planet. There is a method of further delineation
of the horoscope based on what other house the ruling planet is
E. Final
Signatures – This is based on the qualities and elements of the chart. By
determining the most common type of element and most common type of quality,
thus another important factor in delineation of the horoscope.
F. Unaspected
Planets – The planet that is unaspected works doubly hard to integrate into the
chart. Major emphasis in
delineation is stressed in getting the planet to balance.
G. Retrograde
Planets – This is a planet with a R marked next to the degree in your
chart. They appear to be going
backwards at the time the chart is set for. These planets may take a little longer
in our life to show the emphasis in our lives. Sometimes this planet is less
H. Intercepted
Signs – This is when a sign is completely contained in a house. These signs are in restraint in that
house, the person needs to learn to apply that sign.
I. Intercepted
Houses - This is when two sets of houses are linked together because they have
the same sign. The affairs ruled by
these two houses tend to blend and intermingle.
J. Mutual
Reception is a term used when two planets are in each others sign of dignity or
ruler ship. For example if Venus is
in Aries, and Mars is in Taurus.
This is considered a very beneficial and harmonious relationship for the
two planets.
K. High Focus
Planet –a planet that makes more aspects than any other planet. Again this is vital to understand that
because of all the aspect makes it a high focus planet.
L. Final
Dispositor -This is when only one planet is in its sign of dignity and not
mutual reception. This planet
becomes very important in the persons chart.
M. Arabian
Parts – Old Arabic method of A+B-C= a point in the chart. For example Mars + Venus – Jupiter = a
sensitive point in the horoscope on the subconscious
N. Midpoints –
This is when the midpoint degree of two planets conjuncts with another planet,
there is specific and detail meaning.
Very interesting study.
O. Fixed Stars
– Very old method of delineation of the horoscope using fixed stars and the
conjunction with a planet. These
aspects are credited with special influences of their own. These delineations can be somewhat dire,
but must remember that it just means one is prone to possibility with these
II. Putting it
all together.
1. Use keywords in a
2. Example Mars in Scorpio
in the 4th house.
a. Mars =
Keywords = Physical energy, initiative, ambition, animal nature, sexual
energies, governs surgery, injury.
Sudden action. Courage and
strength. Male side of our
b. Positive
Characteristics = Motivated,
penetrating, executive, resourceful, determined, scientific, investigative,
probing, passionate, aware.
Negative Characteristics = Vengeful, temperamental, secretive,
overbearing, violent, sarcastic, suspicious, jealous,
Keywords: Home, domestic
life, security.