Northumbrian Oak Tree Rune Set Advanced Divination Tool of the Norse Asatru Northumbrian Oak Tree Rune Set!
Northumbrian Viking Runes
Complete set of 34 Oak Tree Northumbrian Runes Including the Blank Rune. This is a slightly more advanced oak tree rune set.
Made from solid natural oak tree wood. This is a oak tree Rune Set that will last for years to come, made with that in mind over the mass produced world of non magickal items made today.
Each oak tree Rune Set is cut from wind blown or damaged trees with permission. Oak tree rune sets are cut from the same branch in order to assure continuity with the oak tree spirit. The magic of the oak tree is well placed in the cultures of Nordic, Wiccan, Druidic and etc. traditions.
Only natural stains (linseed oil) is used to cure the oak tree rune, no varnishes or unnatural substances.
This set of oak tree Runes is hand crafted by DragonOak, "one who walks the pagan path". DragonOak has studied methods of divination for over 20 years and now brings forth handcrafted oak tree runes that are fitting for the field of divination.
Each oak tree rune is wood burned by hand into the wood NOT stamped.
Looking for something custom designed? Feel free to email me and lets see what we can do for you! Looking for wholesale pricing, contact: GYPSY BETH
Cweorth "q"
Stands for: Flames of a fire
Casting meaning: This rune represents a process of transformation through fire. The spirit of a body from a person on a funeral pyre is liberated by fire. Cweorth refers to the sacredness of the hearth and ritual cleansing by fire.
Calc "k"
Stands for: Offering Cup
Casting meaning: Calc denotes the death of the individual, however it is not seen as a death rune. Like Ear, Calc indicates the natural ending or conclusion of a process. Do not view this ending as a termination, but as the end of an old era resulting in a spiritual transformation.
Stan "st"
Stands for: Stone
Casting meaning: Stan represents an obstruction in our path, like a boulder at the entrance to a cave. It also represents the stone playing pieces used in board games. Symbolically it represents a link between heavenly bodies and earthly beings. This rune can be used to obstruct and turn back any opposition in our lives.
Gar "g" as in "gap"
Stands for: Spear (specifically Gungnir - Odin's Spear)
Casting meaning: The Gar rune is a special one. Unlike the previous 32 runes in the Northumbrian set, Gar does not belong to an ætt. However this rune is said to be the center point of all the other runes in this set. It is also said to contain all the other runes in itself, making it a powerful and useful rune.
Blank Rune
Casting meaning: There is no historical support for a "Blank Rune" in runic divination. It was invented in the 1980's. It should not be used in a rune casting. If you bought a rune set with a blank piece, save it in case you lose another rune piece, but don't use it in rune casting.